Friday, July 6, 2007

Thoughts from the days when Henry Js and Allstates were new

I noticed on one of the chat pages that there was at least 15 Henry J and Allstate models at the just completed KFOCI National in IL. These were the featured cars and the number that showed up is commendable.

I was reminded that I did see an Allstate on display back in 1952 or 1953 at the Sears store on Shepard Drive in Houston. Last time I checked some years ago this store was still in business. When I was a kid we used to go there at times to shop since it was only a short distance from our home in Conroe although it seemed much farther in those days. Now it is hard to tell the difference in Conroe and Houston. This store had a separate service station with an auto department and the car was there. I can't recall now anything about the color or what impact if any the car had on me. I must have been aware of the Henry J but I can't recall any that were sold by the KF dealer where my Dad purchased the 51 Kaiser. In fact I can't remember anyone having a Henry J (and certainly not an Allstate) at any time in the 50s or 60s.

I remember another experience I had at this store. I bought my first new car in Houston, a 1962 Volvo 544 Sport. I was about to get my MS degree at Sam Houston State in Huntsville TX that summer. I think I took delivery of the car in late Fall 1961 or in early part of 1962. At some point after this I had to be in Houston and stopped in the Sears store to look at some tools they had on sale. This was a deal like they run now in that one got a supply of tools in a box of some sort for a reasonable price. I think it was something like $19.95 for a set in a nice metal box. After looking at the display set I told a clerk I wanted one and he said fine. They had them wrapped and ready to go. However once I paid the clerk picked up a box and said "here this goes with the set." I noticed the wrapped package looked to be almost exactly the same shape as the box. Well when I got home and unwrapped the package it had all the tools in a metal box identical to the one he gave me as an "extra". I gave the extra box to my brother. I still have mine to this day. The box is a nice size for carrying a set of basic tools in the car.

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