Friday, July 27, 2007

Quarterly magazine list...

There was a discussion of bulletins and magazines issued by the KFOCI on one of the chats recently. I have complete sets of each (some early issues of the magazine are copies). I will say more about the bulletins in a later blog.

When I first started editing the magazine I had no idea about what had been published before except for the few issues done by Jack Edward some time after I joined the club. I found a few issues here and there and eventually came up with a list of what had been published up to my time on the job. This is in the Collector's Corner article in Vol 23 No 2 for 1987. I compiled the list and sent it out to a large number of long-standing members for their comments. The list as published is complete to the publication date. You can extend it to the last edition I published as editor (Vol 37 No 2 2001) along with the calendar issues done by the Barkers. I am not sure about anything past that as there were many attempts by various volunteers to publish and I am not even sure I could lay my hands on those--they are around here somewhere I guess.

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