Friday, August 3, 2007

Really big Kaiser...

I have been sorting out my advertising collection. I ran across what may be the largest Kaiser ever built. As far as I know this was a one-off item. The idea was to pack more passengers into the box so-to-speak and of course sell some magnesium and aluminum as well.

Here is the text of the ad (published in MOTOR magazine, date unknown, on page 129):

This 60-foot super-deluxe articulated bus was built at the California magnesium plant of the Kaiser-directed Permanente Metals Corporation. Rolling on Timken Bearings in the wheels, steering pivot, steering gear, steering arm, differential and pinion--22 in all--this marvel of the highways was built especially for Santa Fe Trailways. This manufacturer, like other leaders in the automotive industry, knows the importance of adequate bearing protection. Be sure to look for the trade-mark "TIMKEN" on every bearing you use.

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